
- local server = require "server"
- local lua_app = require "lua_app"
- local lua_shield = require "lua_shield"
- local lua_util = require "lua_util"
- local ChatConfig = require "resource.ChatConfig"
- local RaidConfig = require "resource.RaidConfig"
- local utf8 = require("lua_utf8")
- local ChatCenter = {}
- local _ChatType = ChatConfig.ChatType
- local _LinkId = ChatConfig.LinkId
- local _MaxPrivateRecord = 20
- function ChatCenter:Init()
- self.record = server.baseRecord:Ins(server.baseRecord.RecordType.WorldChat, server.configCenter.ChatConstConfig.saveChatListSize, true)
- self.systemrecord = server.baseRecord:Ins(server.baseRecord.RecordType.System, server.configCenter.ChatConstConfig.saveSystemChatcount, true)
- self.playerlist = {}
- self.privateChatRecord = {}
- self.offlineChat = {}
- self.playershareinfo = {}
- self.chatrecordOfbanned = {}
- end
- function ChatCenter:onDayTimer(player)
- self.playerlist = {}
- end
- function ChatCenter:onInitClient(player)
- local worlddatas = self.record:SendRecord(player)
- local systemdatas = self.systemrecord:SendRecord(player)
- server.sendReq(player, "sc_chat_init_msg", {
- chatDatas = self:FilteChat(worlddatas, systemdatas)
- })
- self:PrivateOfflineChat(player)
- end
- --设置过滤名单
- function ChatCenter:SetFilter(flag, playerid)
- if flag ~= 0 then
- server.broadcastReq("sc_chat_filte_list", {
- filter = playerid,
- })
- end
- end
- function ChatCenter:FilteChat(...)
- local arg = {...}
- local newchatdata = {}
- for __, chatdatas in ipairs(arg) do
- for __, chat in ipairs(chatdatas) do
- if self:CheckFilteChat(chat.id) then
- newchatdata[#newchatdata + 1] = chat
- end
- end
- end
- return newchatdata
- end
- function ChatCenter:CheckFilteChat(dbid)
- if not dbid then return true end
- local player = server.playerCenter:DoGetPlayerByDBID(dbid)
- local status = player.cache.silent
- return status ~= -1 and status <= lua_app.now()
- end
- function ChatCenter:GetRecord(chattype)
- if chattype == server.baseRecord.RecordType.WorldChat or
- chattype == server.baseRecord.RecordType.WorldShare then
- return self.record
- else
- return self.systemrecord
- end
- end
- local function _CheckChatCount(sender, count)
- local ChatLevelConfig = server.configCenter.ChatLevelConfig
- local powerValue = sender.cache.totalpower
- local index = #ChatLevelConfig
- for i = #ChatLevelConfig, 1, -1 do
- local cfg = ChatLevelConfig[i]
- if powerValue >= cfg.power then
- index = i
- if count < cfg.chatSize then
- return true
- elseif not ChatLevelConfig[i + 1] then
- return false, cfg.errortips
- else
- return false, string.format(cfg.errortips, ChatLevelConfig[i + 1].power)
- end
- end
- end
- return false, ChatLevelConfig[#ChatLevelConfig].errortips
- end
- function ChatCenter:CheckAddCount(sender)
- local playerinfo = self.playerlist[sender.dbid]
- if not playerinfo then
- playerinfo = {
- chatdaycount = 0,
- }
- self.playerlist[sender.dbid] = playerinfo
- end
- local nowtime = lua_app.now()
- local ChatConstConfig = server.configCenter.ChatConstConfig
- if not server.funcOpen:Check(sender, ChatConstConfig.openLevel) then
- server.sendErr(sender, "等级不足,不能发言")
- return false
- end
- local waittime = ChatConfig:GetWaitInterval("chat."..sender.dbid, ChatConstConfig.chatCd)
- if waittime > 0 then
- server.sendErr(sender, "聊天cd中")
- return false
- end
- local checkcountret, errmsg = _CheckChatCount(sender, playerinfo.chatdaycount)
- if not checkcountret then
- server.sendErr(sender, errmsg)
- return false
- end
- playerinfo.chatdaycount = playerinfo.chatdaycount + 1
- return true
- end
- local _Chatting = {}
- _Chatting[_ChatType.WorldChat] = function(self, sender, str, recvId, pointId) -- 世界聊天
- if not self:CheckAddCount(sender) then
- return false
- end
- local data = {
- type = _ChatType.WorldChat,
- id = sender.dbid,
- name = sender.cache.name,
- vip = sender.cache.vip,
- str = str,
- job = sender.cache.job,
- sex = sender.cache.sex,
- headframe = sender.head:GetFrame(),
- time = lua_app.now(),
- }
- --禁言玩家消息只有自己能看到
- if not self:CheckFilteChat(sender.dbid) then
- server.sendReq(sender, "sc_chat_new_msg", { chatData = data })
- return true
- end
- self.record:AddRecord(data)
- server.broadcastReq("sc_chat_new_msg", { chatData = data })
- sender.task:onEventAdd(server.taskConfig.ConditionType.ChatWorld)
- return true
- end
- _Chatting[_ChatType.PrivateChat] = function(self, sender, str, recvId) -- 私聊
- local ret = server.friendCenter:ChatCheck(sender, recvId)
- if ret == 1 then
- server.sendErr(sender, "你屏蔽该玩家了")
- return
- elseif ret == 2 then
- server.sendErr(sender, "你被该玩家屏蔽了")
- return
- end
- local data = {
- type = _ChatType.PrivateChat,
- id = sender.dbid,
- name = sender.cache.name,
- vip = sender.cache.vip,
- str = str,
- job = sender.cache.job,
- sex = sender.cache.sex,
- frame = sender.head:GetFrame(),
- time = lua_app.now(),
- }
- --禁言玩家消息只有自己能看到
- if not self:CheckFilteChat(sender.dbid) then
- server.sendReq(sender, "sc_chat_private_new_msg", {
- session = self:GetPrivateChatId(sender.dbid, recvId),
- chatData = data,
- })
- return true
- end
- local receiver = server.playerCenter:DoGetPlayerByDBID(recvId)
- self:AddPrivateChatRecord(sender, receiver, data)
- return true
- end
- function _StrRepeatCount(src, cond)
- return select(2, string.gsub(src, string.format("%s[^|]*", cond), ""))
- end
- --禁言检测
- function ChatCenter:CheckBanned(dbid, chatstr)
- local ChatshutupConfig = server.configCenter.ChatshutupConfig
- local record = self.chatrecordOfbanned[dbid]
- if not record then
- record = { nextindex = 1 }
- self.chatrecordOfbanned[dbid] = record
- end
- local text = table.concat(record, "|")
- for __, str in ipairs(ChatshutupConfig.jlibrary) do
- if _StrRepeatCount(text, str) > ChatshutupConfig.zicount then
- return true
- end
- end
- for __, str in ipairs(ChatshutupConfig.mlibrary) do
- if _StrRepeatCount(text, str) > ChatshutupConfig.shutupcount then
- return true
- end
- end
- local count = 0
- for w in string.gmatch(text, "[^|]+") do
- if w == chatstr then
- count = count + 1
- end
- if count > ChatshutupConfig.repeatcount then
- return true
- end
- end
- local len = utf8.len(chatstr)
- if len >= ChatshutupConfig.count then
- record[record.nextindex] = chatstr
- record.nextindex = record.nextindex % ChatshutupConfig.historycount + 1
- end
- return false
- end
- function ChatCenter:Chat(sender, type, str, recvId)
- local status = sender.cache.silent
- if status ~= -1 and self:CheckBanned(sender.dbid, str) then
- sender.cache.silent = -1
- self:SetFilter(-1, sender.dbid)
- lua_app.log_info("CheckBanned:Prohibit players from chatting.", sender.dbid, sender.cache.name)
- end
- if status > lua_app.now() then
- server.sendErr(sender, "您已经被禁言,剩余时间" .. (status - lua_app.now()) .. "秒")
- return false
- end
- if string.len(str) >= server.configCenter.ChatConstConfig.chatLen then
- server.sendErr(sender, "字节太长,超过160个字节")
- return false
- end
- str = lua_shield:string(str)
- return _Chatting[type](self, sender, str, recvId)
- end
- local CheckLinkCondition = setmetatable({}, {__index = function()
- return function() return true end
- end})
- CheckLinkCondition[_LinkId.AssistPkBoss] = function(sender)
- local ChaptersCommonConfig = server.configCenter.ChaptersCommonConfig
- local appealtime = sender.cache.chapter.appealtime
- if appealtime >= ChaptersCommonConfig.appealtime then
- server.sendErr(sender, "当日求助次数达到上限")
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- function ChatCenter:CheckChatLink(id, sender)
- if not CheckLinkCondition[id](sender) then
- return false
- end
- local waittime = ChatConfig:GetWaitInterval("CheckChatLink."..sender.dbid)
- if waittime > 0 then
- server.sendErr(sender, string.format("%d秒后才能发送", waittime))
- return false
- end
- local tips = ChatConfig.LinkTips[id] or "发送成功"
- server.sendErr(sender, tips)
- return true
- end
- --param1 分享id, param2为玩家的id列表
- function ChatCenter:ChatLink(shareid, sender, checkflag, ...)
- if checkflag then
- if not self:CheckChatLink(shareid, sender) then
- return
- end
- end
- print("shareid", "--------------------------")
- local chatData = ChatConfig:PackLinkData(shareid, sender, ...)
- local record = self:GetRecord(chatData.type)
- record:AddRecord(chatData)
- server.broadcastReq("sc_chat_new_msg", {
- chatData = chatData
- })
- return true
- end
- --战斗通知
- local _NoticeRaid = setmetatable({}, {__index = function() return function() end end})
- _NoticeRaid[RaidConfig.type.GuildFb] = function(dbid, level)
- local GuildFubenConfig = server.configCenter.GuildFubenConfig[level]
- local player = server.playerCenter:DoGetPlayerByDBID(dbid)
- player.guild:ChatLink(11, 0, {ChatConfig.CollectType.Fb, level, RaidConfig.type.GuildFb}, player.cache.name, GuildFubenConfig.uititle)
- end
- _NoticeRaid[RaidConfig.type.CrossTeamFb] = function(dbid, level)
- local player = server.playerCenter:DoGetPlayerByDBID(dbid)
- server.chatCenter:ChatLink(14, player, nil, {ChatConfig.CollectType.Fb, level, RaidConfig.type.CrossTeamFb}, player.cache.name, level)
- end
- _NoticeRaid[RaidConfig.type.EightyOneHard] = function(dbid, level)
- local player = server.playerCenter:DoGetPlayerByDBID(dbid)
- local DisasterFbConfig = server.configCenter.DisasterFbConfig[level]
- server.chatCenter:ChatLink(15, player, nil, {ChatConfig.CollectType.Fb, level, RaidConfig.type.EightyOneHard}, player.cache.name, DisasterFbConfig.name)
- end
- _NoticeRaid[RaidConfig.type.GuildBoss] = function(dbid, level, guildid)
- local guild = server.guildCenter:GetGuild(guildid)
- if not guild then
- return
- end
- local chatdata = server.chatConfig:PackLinkData(8)
- guild.guildRecord:AddGuildChat(chatdata.str, nil, chatdata.share)
- end
- _NoticeRaid[RaidConfig.type.FieldBoss] = function(dbid, level)
- server.chatCenter:ChatLink(13)
- end
- local _NoticeCheck = {}
- function ChatCenter:NoticeFb(raidtype, dbid, level, ...)
- local recordkey = string.format("%s%s%s", raidtype, dbid, level)
- local waittime = ChatConfig:GetWaitInterval(recordkey)
- if waittime > 0 then return end
- _NoticeRaid[raidtype](dbid, level, ...)
- end
- function ChatCenter:EmitTeamRecruit(dbid)
- local waittime = ChatConfig:GetWaitInterval(dbid)
- if waittime > 0 then
- server.sendErrByDBID(dbid, string.format("%d秒后才能招募", waittime))
- return false
- end
- server.sendErrByDBID(dbid, "招募成功")
- return true
- end
- function ChatCenter:AddPrivateChatRecord(sender, receiver, data)
- local session = self:GetPrivateChatId(sender.dbid, receiver.dbid)
- local records = self.privateChatRecord[session]
- if not records then
- records = {}
- self.privateChatRecord[session] = records
- end
- if #records > _MaxPrivateRecord then
- table.remove(records, 1)
- end
- table.insert(records, data)
- server.sendReq(sender, "sc_chat_private_new_msg", {
- session = session,
- chatData = data,
- })
- if receiver.isLogin then
- server.sendReq(receiver, "sc_chat_private_new_msg", {
- session = session,
- chatData = data,
- })
- else
- local offlineChat = self.offlineChat[receiver.dbid]
- if not offlineChat then
- offlineChat = {}
- self.offlineChat[receiver.dbid] = offlineChat
- end
- offlineChat[session] = true
- end
- end
- function ChatCenter:PrivateOfflineChat(player)
- local offlineChat = self.offlineChat[player.dbid]
- if not offlineChat then
- return
- end
- for session,_ in pairs(offlineChat) do
- local records = self.privateChatRecord[session]
- server.sendReq(player, "sc_chat_private_init_msg", {
- session = session,
- chatData = records,
- })
- end
- self.offlineChat[player.dbid] = nil
- end
- function ChatCenter:PrivateChatStart(sender, recvId)
- local session = self:GetPrivateChatId(sender.dbid, recvId)
- local records = self.privateChatRecord[session]
- if not records then
- records = {}
- self.privateChatRecord[session] = records
- end
- server.sendReq(sender, "sc_chat_private_init_msg", {
- session = session,
- chatData = records,
- })
- end
- function ChatCenter:GetPrivateChatId(senderId, receiverId)
- return (senderId < receiverId and senderId ..":".. receiverId or receiverId ..":".. senderId)
- end
- function ChatCenter:ClearChat()
- self.record:ClearRecord()
- end
- function ChatCenter:ChatSysInfo(dbid, str)
- local player = server.playerCenter:DoGetPlayerByDBID(dbid)
- if player then
- local data = {
- type = _ChatType.SysChat,
- id = dbid,
- name = player.cache.name,
- vip = player.cache.vip,
- str = str,
- job = player.cache.job,
- sex = player.cache.sex,
- time = lua_app.now(),
- }
- player:sendReq("sc_chat_new_msg", { chatData = data })
- end
- end
- function ChatCenter:BroadcastSysInfo(str)
- local data = {
- type = _ChatType.SysChat,
- id = 0,
- name = player.cache.name,
- vip = player.cache.vip,
- str = str,
- job = player.cache.job,
- sex = player.cache.sex,
- time = lua_app.now(),
- }
- server.broadcastReq("sc_chat_new_msg", { chatData = data })
- end
- function ChatCenter:ResetServer()
- self.record:ClearRecord()
- self.systemrecord:ClearRecord()
- self.playerlist = {}
- self.privateChatRecord = {}
- self.offlineChat = {}
- end
- server.SetCenter(ChatCenter, "chatCenter")
- return ChatCenter